Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Betta Fish FAQ: Five Questions On Betta Fish and Their Care

Betta Fish FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about keeping betta fish!

Q: How do you tell the gender of a betta?

A: Check out the fins. Male bettas have been bred to have long, flowing fins while the females have smaller fins tighter to their body.

Q: I hear that you can't keep two male bettas in the same tank. Is that true?

A: Generally that's true. Bettas are often called Siamese Fighting Fish and it's because the males are fiercely territorial. Usually they won't actually kill each other as many people seem to think, but they'll chew the heck out of each other's fins and sides which can result in a stressed out or dead betta. Once in a great while you hear about multiple males being kept in the same big tank, but I wouldn't recommend it for the casual betta owner.

Editor's Note: To really learn what you need to know about betta care
check out Marcus Song's great book The Betta Lover's Guide.

Q: How long do betta fish live?

A: A healthy betta usually will live somewhere between 2-5 years. It's important to keep the betta's home clean, the water changed, and the temperature close to optimal. If any of these factors is off it can shorten the lifespan of your betta.

Q: What kind of plants should I put in my betta's tank?

A: Bettas love plants. It gives them something to hide in and hang out around. Most any aquarium plant is fine, whether it's natural, silk, or plastic. The only thing to look out for with plastic plants is to make sure that the edges aren't hard and sharp. Sharp plastic plants can tear a betta's fragile fins.

Q: I've heard that bettas will jump out of a tank if the cover isn't on. Is this true?

A: Absolutely! You need to keep a cover on their tank because they're notorious for jumping out. My ex-girlfriend used to have a betta that would jump out at your finger if you held it over the tank. While this was a cute trick the fish would get totally out of the water and could have hit the floor if she wasn't careful.

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